Country File

By marypot

Stone wall, sinking

Thank you so much to everyone who has left very kind messages regarding my return to work. This week has been a momentous one blip-wise too - I reached a half century a few days ago and today went over the 10,000 views mark, which I am just amazed by. It is humbling, to say the least, to know that this little corner of the world is of interest to other people. Anyway, I will save the spiel for when I get to 100 ;) Just wanted to acknowledge the kindness and friendliness that is found on this site - thanks again.

This photo is a bit different for me. I'd never have taken it a couple of months ago, but thought I'd try something different. I noticed the reflection of one of the stone walls in the flooded ditch. The murkiness kind of reflects how I'm feeling at the moment - and the sinking feeling too.

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