Any Way that the Four Winds Blow...
Tonight Tooli-Belle-Aurora Borealis accompanied me on my search for Blipables.
Last night was such a super success, I would have really re-visited Iris, but I was scared that maybe she wouldn't be there?
We headed instead for the rock pools on the North of the South Beach. It has been another completely glorious day, and the little pools were warm, but not very inviting. Too much seaweed.
Whilst Tooli pottered and gazed for possibles, I gazed at her and wondered about the miracle that allows lunatics like me to reproduce and create something as wonderful as she.
At 16, coming on 17, she has surpassed my Educational ability, my maturity and self-confidence. She still has a few foibles, but we are ironing them out a bit at a time, but I worry that without them, she will cease to be this perfect little specimen.
Isn't it amazing that two people can come together mix a bit of each other together and create something like this?
It is an wonderful achievement; the fact that I squished TWO of them out, and both of them are realitively normal is an AMAZING feat.
Also just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you, very much for all your lovely comments, and putting me on the Spotlight page for all of today! Am thrilled beyond belief!
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