when old pals get together

Superb day saturday. Up early for breakfast, the lads on Parade at 10am to be ready to march at 10.30. Unfortunately, some had over indulged on Friday night and failed to make it...Roy Lathwood being one of them.
Big group photograph for the Corp magazine and then stood down to go get changed for the rest of the day which was football and rugby matches...Veterans v Regulars, inter regiment tug-of-war, various displays and tents around the field, the ubiquitous beer tent and later on a BBQ army catering corp style. A live band and disco to round off the evening/morning and all was great.
We came home last night after the BBQ, wanted to sleep in my own bed!!

This montage is a few of the pics I took yesterday
The lads having a bit of banter
Chris with the oldest member of the Pioneer Corps (82) and the youngest (17)
The ultra shiny boots belong to the Sergeant-Major
Here`s to next year lads, thanks for a fab weekend

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