Tears of joy?

Well not quite, he'd just fallen off a chair, had a cry, picked himself up after a cuddle, got on his bike and ridden up to me grinning :) And that's bolognese sauce around his chops... He will eat quite a lot, if it's sharing with me. I like this. A lot.

And he's started eating fruit again, today he had two half apples and a pile of grapes! Incredible. I don't know whether it's the outdoor living, or whether it's just because I've started eating properly again that's doing it, but Ben's eating properly again. And it makes me happy. (I exceeded my 5 a day today for the first time in ages - 3 peaches, a banana, a pile of grapes, tomatoes, peppers, salad.... Go me!)

Actually a lot of things about Ben make me happy at the moment.

I watched him ride down the path on his balance bike, keeping one leg off the ground, using the other to push himself along, coasting for little ways. He's growing up. He is, in his own words, "Ben big boy". It's a very half-hearted part of me that keeps insisting that he's not a "big boy" until he starts using the toilet or potty... in every other way, he's my big boy now.

He's cheeky and loving and boisterous and happy and serious and intelligent and thinks a lot and is caring and tender and bouncy and silly and clever and definitely knows which side his bread is buttered.

He had a cuddle this morning during sound checking at church, then Abi came along and asked if he wanted to come and play. So he got down and that was the last I saw of him until after the service!!

He was happy to play with his friends while I went home to get my insulin, and kept on playing right up until it was time to go home. He's happy to take suggestions of who to play with if he seems lost, and he seems to be well liked by the other kids too so they're happy for him to join in with them.

After church we went off to a friends' house for food and more socialness. It was such a treat! Finally got my appetite back, finally able to eat what I feel like eating (i.e. fruit, vegetables, ANYTHING that takes my fancy! Hoorah), and there was such a feast. Ben typically hardly ate anything, some bits of cheese, and a mini milk... (he made up for it this evening though.) He and Nathaniel found some toy guitars and sang very very loudly together. They bounced on the trampoline and got bounced and found it hilarious. They chased an older boy around growling at him which he took in very good humour, and eventually my tummy said I needed to go to sleep so we headed home. Ben fell asleep almost as soon as our heads hit the pillow at home!

Steve did another tip trip while we were asleep. It's strange having no detritus in the garden, my head can't quite get itself around seeing a whole section of ground cleared! It's really really lovely. And Ben's been running round barefoot today as well. We got the paddling pool out for him this evening and he had a splash - wetshoes and tshirt, and me trying hard not to get pictures with his willy in them!!! He shared dinner with me sitting on his rug in just a towel (please say hi to Steve!), and bit by bit I managed to convince him to put various items of clothing back on! Nappy to protect his bottom for when he wanted to play in his car; he decided he wanted his tshirt on (a dry one!), and then eventually I persuaded him to put slippers on to protect his feet and finally trousers to protect his knees because he kept falling off his bike every time he tried to get off :D

Love that kid so much.

And my husband :)

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