In Between Days

By jase

Sea Legs

Our one night in the caravan went well. Was so much more comfortable than the tent and very different. We were all up pretty late and due to the TV reception disappearing in the evening we all ended up watching the one dvd which we brought along by accident - Disney's Aladdin! Great.

I found packing the caravan and preparing it to be put away quite stressful. This was mainly due to the fact that I have not got a clue what I am doing. I'm just glad the thing didn't fall over when I wound the legs up - I really thought that it might. But it should get easier from now. We are back in two weeks!

Spent the afternoon at Scarborough on the beach. The picture contains the legs of both of the kids. It very much sums up their personalities - Louis charging off ahead both feet first and Alana hanging back a little, a more reserved an cautious individual. What gorgeous weather!

The drive home was a bit long. The A64 was really slow all the way to York. Will have to work out some quicker routes!

All in all a busy weekend. I'm off to read my caravanning book. I'm sure there are top tips on how to manage your cassette toilet...

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