Cherry ripe, Cherry ripe.....

Our visits to the local crematorium are getting far too regular.

For years our cycling friends have stood the test of time; a hardy, fit bunch who regularly cycle distances that would put a car to shame.

But recently there have been too many falling off the pelaton and today was yet another funeral of a younger member who had fought cancer but still managed in the last few years to tour extensively and was always in pole position on any excursion.

His Lordship was reminded that three years ago he cycled the charity ride from Edinburgh to St Andrews in appalling weather- a strong east wind and pouring rain, only to discover Anne having got there, was riding back to Edinburgh, a cool 140 miles in all.

She also played a mean game of squash, and so today at Mortonhall crematorium, the place was packed with cyclists in cycling gear, squash players ( without racquets) and physiotherapy colleagues.
What a wonderful turn out for a popular lady and an interesting non religious service conducted by an Episcopalian minister who also cycles.

It's at times like these, when the cycling CTC members all get together that one feels part of a huge family of lovely people.

It was also gratifying when someone, a non blipper, introduced themselves as being one of the regular readers of my journal. Thank you Dave, I'm honoured that you follow my journal.

So, now, it's a meet up for me this afternoon with my friend o.m.ts whom I haven't seen for a few weeks.
Will either of us get a word in edgeways?

My blip is of the last three cherries, (not just any cherries, but M&S cherries) left after I have consumed the rest of them. What's not to like about a kilo of cherries?

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