
To celebrate American Independence day, I have blipped Jennie, my Berkeley friend whom I met 40 years ago when she came with a husband and three small children to live in Edinburgh for 18 months.
We have kept in touch all these years and have have spent wonderful holidays together, both in the States and Scotland. It's lovely to have them back in Edinburgh for a week.

While the men went walk about in the Biggar Hills, Jennie and I did the coffee and chat thing, before becoming ladies who lunch, together with daughter #1.

My eve of Independence Day gathering last night was in his Lordship's and my opinion a success.
We might have expected otherwise when we put together an oil engineer and a water engineer.

But mix they did, and so well that his Lordship felt obliged at some point to start clearing away the glasses in order that he could get to bed before falling off his perch.

Somehow I don't think the 'Host with the Most' title will be coming to the Dower House any time soon.

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