"Just Like That"

So I bumped into the owner of these hands at the station this morning, so who was it....

A) A struggling Tommy Cooper impressionist...

B) A unfortunate soul doing it tough on the streets.....

C) Andrea and her "Jakey" gloves complaining that it's too cold to take her hands out of her pockets but decided it was a good idea to buy "Jakey" fingerless gloves.....

If you answered C) then well done!

Blip struggle over.......

Edit : having asked a few work mates, the Tommy Copper reference may be lost on non-UK Blippers.... those not in the know, Google/YouTube Tommy Copper!

Edit 2 : been asked what a Jakey is
1. Jakey Bastard
An unwashed Scottish ruffian with nothing better to do than drink copious amounts of Buckfast and dodge the social.
Most Glaswegians are jakey bastards.

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