Got the bug
It seems clear that Katherine has got the pony bug. She always has a stack of books by her bed, and this is the current stack. She is doing a few days of riding this summer and is so excited she can hardly wait.
This morning Katherine had a lesson with the kids' French tutor on her own - the theory being that while Conor will learn to read French at school with his classmates, Katherine is way behind her classmates on reading, so will need some help as, of course, the sounds are very different in French. Then on to the MBH to get ready for Mr B bringing the Senior Bs down for a visit. Tricky task. I left to pick Katherine up just as Mrs Senior B said "well I suppose at least it's a bit better on the inside".
Later back home for a lazy lunch and afternoon.
Last night there'd been a lot more damage to my big tomato plants - so after a bit of research I made up some chilli tea and sprayed it all over the plants in the hope that it wouldn't taste so delicious to whatever rodent is gnawing away at the stems. Sadly I forgot to wear gloves or a mask so it certainly had an effect on me (definitely not taking my contact lenses out tonight).
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