my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Hubble Bubble Trouble & Trouble

Still waiting to hear about my mums op, her cough has been worse today so that's a bit of a worry but I'm keeping my eye on her.

Work has been hectic as usual and there could be changes on the horizon...but not going to worry about things just yet. I'll cross any bridges when I get to them.

I am very nervous about my first date tomorrow. Eekk! feel about 17, worrying about what to wear, what to say..and how not to break my 2 drink rule...especially if I'm sat outside a lovely pub in Manchester :)

Don't want to overdress / underdress or look out of place...I wonder why any bit of confidence I have does a runner when going to meet someone new?

But it has. Blip could have been me sat here with cream all over any blemish however faint or small. But that would have been too T.R.A.G.I.C.

Not so tired tonight - despite the girls being really loud! I got them a huge bottle of bubbles for their bubble guns and they have been playing happily tonight - enjoying the warm evenings.

"Life is mostly froth and bubble, Two things stand like stone, Kindness in another's trouble, Courage in your own?

Adam Lindsay Gordon

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