pictures and words

today I have been thinking more in words than in pictures so had to create my blip rather than see it/blip it which is my more usual approach. And that means that my words and my picture are probably totally unrelated to each other.

Today, after the lovely concert yesterday I continued my thoughts on the bizarreness of attraction. How strange it is that, I find anyway, often we are attracted to exactly the personality traits that drive us mad when exposed to them for a longer period of time. For example, for some odd reason, I find Will Self really cool - I love his writing and his humour. But, when I watched the whole interview with him, I realised that some of the things he thinks are very similar to the things Mr. Spitzi thinks and which I totally DISagree with and will argue to the death about (well, I have thrown things but haven't yet died). Likewise, watching Mr. Spitzi bopping away to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" last night in his strange a-rhythmical Dad-dance that he had perfected long before he had daughters to embarrass, I had a kind of "WTF?" moment because the fact that I just want to have fun and don't take life quite as seriously as I should is a massive bugbear for himself - so why on earth do we do this to each other ("we" in general terms now)? My theory is that we need the polar opposite of ourselves around to keep some kind of stability in place, even if that means we kick against each other constantly....and the kicking is good too, because it keeps our natural tendencies in check and makes us take a long, hard look at ourselves and the way we go through life.

Me and 'im don't really have an "our tune" but, if we did, I think it would be this one - because I think it kind of sums it up.

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