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The Senior B's left to go back home today. I celebrated surviving a difficult visit by lying on the sofa for half an hour with a cup of tea and a packet of biscuits. They're normally fine. I mean, they're kind people and interesting too, but visits are best kept to one day, maximum one and a half, I think. Particularly difficult was Mrs Senior B having a bad back - never likely to put anyone in a good mood.
This afternoon was spent on all things electrical: showing a new electrician around the house to get him to quote for the rewiring work. Our previous electrician was resisting all phone and email entreaties to contact us, so it felt like time to move on. The new chap put Mr B's back up straight away by taking phone calls from other customers and from colleagues during our meeting - surely a no-no with a new customer? Anyway, I think we're getting towards being 'desperate' so perservered with him.
After that extremely long process, we headed into town to pick up the floor sander for tomorrow's delightful job (sanding two bedroom floors - with parquet like the stuff shown in the picture). This printer was in one of the bedrooms. It's that kind of house where you can turn a corner and, hey presto, there's a large-format printer in the corner. (Other delights include a metre high stack of leather, two thousand or so postcards of a local cathedral, and all the previous owner's photos.)
Not quite sure what we'll do with it. I was just going to put it on the internet as free to anyone who wanted it, but I see that they can be worth quite a bit so wonder if I should try and sell it for a few hundred, or offer it to a charity or something. Any ideas gratefully received!
Back at the house we tried out the sander, which wasn't talking to our generator. That may be because the generator is out of petrol... or not. Tomorrow could be a very stressful day.
Back home, and in the middle of dinner the old electrician called... of course. Wanting to arrange a meeting next week, but still offering no commitment as to when he'll start work.
Still, we should probably have the roof watertight before we bother with much electrical work. And possibly get the electricity connected too...
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