Gone to seed
A promisingly bright start to the day... but putting on shorts soon banished the sunshine. Still, at least that made it less hard to slot myself behind the desk for another day's work. (On which note, must make a point to buy a better desk chair when I get a chance.)
Still, I did manage some time in the garden despairing at the number of flowers that have gone to seed because of my failure to pick flowers/deadhead. But on the plus side, there are lots of seeds to pick for next year. Here's a lupin seed pod - one that did its spinny, spirally popping thing just as I touched it. Not sure about the black and white, but that's just how today felt: very black and white (and definitely not any shades of grey - fifty or otherwise; though I did read a very funny blog post the other day about that book, which brought fifty shades of laughter into my workday).
[Short interlude for an annoying incident involving Dubai, scraped knees and sweeping a floor that I'm going to try to ignore.]
The kids played together beautifully all day, as is the way with the first day of the holidays. Tomorrow the fighting will start ("she started it", etc, etc, etc and repeat until I fade in September).
But two clients came back to me today with glowing reports of how "thrilled" and "delighted" they were with my work. So that's something. A better effective hourly rate would be better, but praise is an ok start.
Lack of blip activity lately is down to working a bit, of course, but also due to confusing circumstances beyond my control, my computer is the telly again - so I lose it in the evenings. This limits me to iPhone blipping which is really only any good for occasional commenting... Must factor a blip-break into my working day...
So, lots of backblipping for those who fancy clicking back to Monday or so.
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