Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Two Swans

We attended the Buffalo Sabres (Hockey) Development Camp this morning to see rookies being trained. What a pleasure it is to step inside the ice rink to escape from the dreadful heat of the day!

Afterwards, we went to one of my favorite campgrounds near Youngstown. It is so beautiful there with grassy sites and yards that are as big as any city lot! But one of the most awesome features of this campground is that it is situated on the banks of Lake Ontario.

We walked on down to the lake and looked around. I could hear a bird calling out, but was not quite certain what kind of bird I was hearing. We walked on a small path next to the water that led into a small wooded area...just on the other side of a small lagoon was a pair of Mute Swans.

The swans preened themselves and I don't think they even realized I was there taking their photos. It would have been nice to have had my Nikon with the telephoto lens (once again) but the walk back in the heat was just too much!

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