Capital adventures

By marchmont

silent film

The effects that accompany this blip are loud crashes of thunder, bright flashes of lightning and the sound of hailstones stottin' off the windowsill - you'll just have to imagine these.

It's a Scottish summer!

Not doing a lot today - my new motto is 'do less, stop thrashing around and leave space for the good things to come'. So far all that has come is the rain but I've balanced the books which always gives a warm glow.

#2 son has just phoned to say he's coming up so I'd better be getting on with the day, comfortable as this bed is. (I have been out briefly, before the deluge, to cross to Margiotta's for baguette and Brie.)

The kitchen is a dark hole because of the rain clouds and the green, looming monster - seen here behind the rain and hailstones. Suddenly a summer at La G seems a lot more enticing, but it's not going to happen.

Edit - looking at the shot again, it really DOES look like stair rods!

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