My happy little life

By khoola

Mooching about

Weather wasn't great today, so we just mooched around the cabin, went for a swim and took the kids to play in the soft play hell-hole facility on site. While these places are fantastic for entertaining the kids on rainy days, they have one fatal flaw. Other People's Kids. Don't get me wrong, my kids are far from perfect, but they're mine, and I love them. I also quite like the kids of my friends and family. But outside of that, all other kids fall firmly into the category of Other People's Brats Kids. And I do not like them. The main reason being, that unless they have caused your own child serious physical harm, it seems that it is socially unacceptable to tell Other People's Kids off. Especially for something as insignificant, but nonetheless irritating, as just being a vile little brat. So instead I have to contend myself with giving the brat child in question The Death Stare. I inherited The Death Stare from my mother, she inherited it from hers, and my daughter's Mini Death Stare seems to be coming along quite nicely. So Maddy and I joined forces, and Double Death Stared every little monster darling that crossed our path.

Am thinking of ruling out childcare as a future career possibility.

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