It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Boys night out???

Dear Casper and Stanley

I noticed that the word on Twitter is that there is a boys night out planned tonight, whilst your mum and her friends are away?

My mum always says "boys night out = Trouble with a capital TR". Well boys, you know me, I just LOVE to be at the centre of any trouble. So this sounds right up my street.

So, I know I am not really a boy, but boys, you know me.....I am not a girlie girl. I love a bit of wrestling and rolling in mud. I don't wear any pink, euuwwwww I HATE pink and I never run out of energy or get sore feet and moan.

I can borrow daddy's boy sunglasses (once I get used to wearing them!) and I can bring beer or even something stronger if that is your tipple? I will just bring a toothbrush and toothpaste, none of the girlie make up stuff. I can be ready to go out in less than 5 minutes! I have a very good razor if you are needing to shave off a bit of a shadow?

My mate Dillon, has a friend of a friend of a friend who can get me some ID, I look much older than I am anyway! If you give me the go ahead I will sneak out after mum falls asleep later. I am very good at tiptoeing now. She will be having a few glasses of wine and watching a film as Daddy is away on another boys night out (but he won't take me, boo) So I reckon mum will be snoring by 9 at the latest!

I was thinking of asking Briar as she seems up for a laugh too but I think she could be a bit young yet and might be a bit of a handful after a few drinks! Then I wondered about Molly, that is if she didn't manage to sneak off with Kirstie! She looks like she could use a break. I know she would ditch the pink stuff and she really isn't that bothered about being girlie either. In fact she is just VERY cool.

So, what do you think?? Can I be an honorary boy? just for one night......PLLLEEEAAASSSSSSSSSSSEEEEE

See you later I hope!
Lily xxx

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