It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Running off some energy....

Well before I tell you all about my GREAT walk this afternoon, I thought I would update you on yesterday's Boy's Night Out!

So, last night I watched mum. She had a glass of wine and got herself comfy on the sofa. I had my rucksack packed and hidden away near the back door. When she poured her 2nd glass of wine I knew it was nearly time. I pretended to be asleep but every now and then I would open one eye and peek at her. She kept saying, "awww Lily, do you love your mummy? that why you keep looking at me"??! (hee hee, little did she know what I had planned!) So her eyes got heavy and BINGO, halfway through the film she dropped off, snoring lightly.....

It was TIME......I grabbed my rucksack with the beer and whiskey and tried to squuuuueeeeeze myself through the catflap. Hmmmmm, this was a bit difficult, I have got a lot bigger lately. Then, as I was halfway through I heard this enormous, Yeeeeooooooowwwwwwww from inside. OH NO, Daisy the cat had seen me....The next thing I knew 2 hands grabbed my hind quarters and the game was over. Oh Bother, bother, bother.... I was put to bed and never made it to see the boys. I hope they had a good time without me. Maybe next time I will make it......

So I will quickly tell you about my photo for today and my lovely walk. When daddy got home from his boys night out (looking a little tired I think?!) we all jumped in the car and went to Ashton Court. It is GREAT there. It is HUGE, this photo is only a small part of it. I had a WHALE of a time. I ran after my ball, I played with a boxer puppy like me, I sniffed out the muddiest pond thing EVER and LEAPT in with my ball at least 3 times. Hee hee!

Then the best bit. At the very top of the hill I got out of mum and daddy's sight as there were LOADS of lovely smells. I found the BIGGEST pile of fox poo I have EVER seen! tee hee. I had the loveliest wallow in it. I laid on my back and wriggled, wriggled, wriggled. I smelt GORGEOUS. My new harness collar was covered, my collar was covered and then I jumped up at mum, so she was covered. It was GREAT! Especially because it was very hot and sunny so it dried in lovely and would last all week I reckon.........

....or so I thought until I was put in the bath as soon as I got home........

Bye for now
Lily xxx

I can't thank everybody enough for making me a spotlight star pretty much EVERY day lately. I am completely amazed and VERY VERY grateful. Big licks to you all and everyone at blip central! xx

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