...get your lovely papers here, fresh today. I have often thought that selling newspapers on a street corner would be a great occupation. All that shouting, banter with the customer, and job satisfaction, right there in your own little covered kiosk. What more could you ask for?
I didn't consider however that I might be covering my boy's paper round whilst he was swaning off to scout camp. No, that was sorted, his sister had been drafted in for that, she needed the cash for T-in-the-Park. Ah the flaw in the plan, clearly no-one had been thinking straight. It was only Thursday evening that I realised there was no cover for Friday or today.
Rather than let our local newsagent, and his adoring public down, it has been up to me to fill the gap. No1 boy still isn't able to walk far or carry heavy items on account of his back.
So I was up early, donned the approriate hoodie, partly for the appearance of youthfulness, partly as a disguise, and traipsed the streets with my bag. Why does no-one have a newspaper sized letter box? You've got to do a lot of folding, and in the case of weekend supplements you have to take the paper apart and post it section by section!
Still on the positive side, I met many lovely workmen and posties who all offered a 'good morning' and a smile (don't think they were laughing at me?!?). I was up early and have the rest of the day to myself having bought our paper and fresh rolls for breakfast. I also have the remains of the wages to stick in my sky rocket. Perfect.
Sadly no chance to shout out 'Pa-pers, Pa-pers, get your lovely H'evening News here!'
P.S. just incase you read this my boy, I will be expecting my cut of the Christmas bonus, ta very much!
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