Family Dog

By Family_Dog

good morning britain!

This is my desk for the week. Also known as The Table. Where curry is slurped, wine is spilled and the world is put to rights.

Health & Safety wouldn't approve of the lack of a back or arms for my posture, but I don't really care. I'm only sat there for a bit and I can flop on the sofa when I need a break.

As much as Friday was a strange day for me - being the last day in the office - today - being my first day OUT of the office - didn't seem weird at all. I got up with Bry, saw him off at the door, stood about staring into space for a bit, made the bed and off I went into my day. I am obviously SO built to be a lady of leisure rather than a hard ass business woman (not that I'm ever one of those either, but you know what I mean).

It has been a really hideous day today. Rain. Rain. Rain. And I can feel slight rumblings in my chest so I'm worried I'm getting a cold. Wouldn't be so bad if I could knock back double doses of drowsy benalyn but you're not allowed that when you're up the spout so it's no fun!

Tomorrow is Stephen's funeral. Me & Tom are speaking at it. I am very nervous, but equally I want to do it. I hope for the following things:

a) that I get through it without doing squeaking crying talk
b) that I get through it without making a huge mistake or accidentally swearing
c) that I get through it without my waters breaking...

Wish me luck.

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