Family Dog

By Family_Dog

let sleeping dogs lie

Dog staggered in at about 3.30am this morning and he's pretty much lain in this position ever since. I will have to wake him at some point I suppose, but he's been through so much I am tempted to let him sleep as much as he needs.

Yesterday was a long and very hard day, but it had lots of lovely bits in it too. Nothing like a funeral to make you realise how lucky you are in so many ways. We're such a big crowd of friends it's easy to forget that you are so loved and you love so much. Love really was everywhere yesterday and it was something pretty incredible to be part of.

It was a 14 hour day for me yesterday. I even managed a bit of dancing (but promptly stopped when I realised I was doing 'casual dad dancing' to ensure my bump didn't wobble all over the place). I left at midnight - but I didn't lose my shoe.

When I got home, my whole body ached. I didn't realise how knackered I was till I was on my own. My back & legs twitched when I lay down and I was pretty confident that I would get the mother of all sleeps.

Nope. another shit sleep was had. I am just going to have to assume that it will be like this till the baby is about 5! I'm finding it really tough this not sleeping malarky. Obviously, this is my body getting ready and preparing me mentally, so in a way I am grateful. Vicki said to me the other day 'the thing is, you & Bry are sleepers' and she's so right. We really are. Not for us is a day in bed a wasted day.

We'll see what happens. I am focussing on this cold staying at bay (though it has crept into my throat) and getting some proper relaxation in the next few days. 2 1/2 weeks till the baby is due - surely I can cram some relaxation in here at some point?!

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