Cwrw Croyw

By cwrwcroyw

man and his dog

Wandered about on a beautiful afternoon today mainly along the Menai Straits in an attempt to get another theme going. The scenery here in North Wales around Angelsey is quite magnificent and there were lots of things to blip: anything with the name of the longest place name in the UK, mountains, bridges, the Menai Straits, several old local churches, one of a small number of Nelson's columns in the UK etc. In the end had to opt for this.

This is Arwel and his dog Koko.

Koko is desperate to get back in the water after just emerging soaked in seawater. The little terrier that is now swimming is also a huge attraction to Koko as are the two ducks (they looked like ducks) that have just landed where koko was swimming.

Here Arwel has just tried to explain to his dear 5 yr old that No he can't go back in but that they are going further up the Straits to go FISHING!! not sure Koko really understood but he seemed to sense that Arwel would not deprive him of this great pleasure unless there was something even better just around the corner.

what a bond

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