
By stephenfr


Like any day, there is the chance that the overall dynamic can swing from a range of ups and downs, even sometimes, when it is least expected, everything can shift suddenly. All of my yesterday was absolutely wonderful. It was pretty perfect, even when I thought a certain block of time was going to be awkward and a downright bore, but things only continued to add up for the better. The day was totally on my side.

Brittanie and I woke with a smile on both of our faces. We were in love at the very second our eyes saw the light of day. The sunlight was peering through my bedroom window and not a cloud was making an appearance in the bluest blue sky. We were both so thrilled because it was a beach day we longed for and could take advantage of for once. Getting up and gathering our belongings, we merrily started our trek to Point Pleasant beach. The masses were all likeminded as a hour and fifteen minute trip took us over two hours to arrive because of the traffic. And parking, that was another twenty minutes. Throughout though, Brittanie and I were laughing, talking, and singing never letting it get under our sun-soaking skin. We spent a good three hours laying on the beach and attempting to outsmart the waves, which were tremendously large for some reason. We enjoyed every second of being there even under our time constraints. You see, we had to also go to Staten Island for so-called "family fun day" and it was going to be unlike any other fun because Brittanie's sister's estranged husband, who has really recently resurfaced and gotten back together with the sister after a two year cheating episode, was going to be there. We didn't take to this whole decision on the sister's part too kindly but knew that we were still going to support her anyway. This made the idea of going to the house very emotionally taxing. The time on the beach, however short-lived we had to make it, was wonderful and leaving didn't get under our skin too much. We got some wonderful ice cream--the perfect summer treat--and also some lemonade and then left for the island.

The whole situation turned out to be good though. Nothing got in-between our infinitely positive moods, even when I considered how members of the family have all done something completely and utterly wrong to each other! It was nice to be together, actually, and I never thought I would say that. Somehow it all worked out and I thought after that there still would not be a cloud in our sky. And at nighttime we left elated and accomplished that we went through it with no problems whatsoever.

Then, a unforeseen twist. A conversation turned argument. An argument unresolved where all of the life was pulled right from under us, left in shambles. And, I don't want to go into details, but it shook the day and I wondered how it could have ever happened. We got home and she fell asleep.

But I woke her and I had to tell her that I loved her and how beautiful she was. She reciprocated the same love and the night suddenly twisted right back to that cloudless sky.

Life and relationships have an odd way of constantly twisting and turning sometimes in a timespan of a day or in two years. So long as there is love, a love deeply rooted in two people, life couldn't be any more perfect or more right. The investment will matter more than anything in the world.


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