
Cold and wet day today. Spence slept until 8 which meant we did as well! Kaz is working and Spence and I have done the food shopping, done some washing, made rum balls and played about!

I looked out the back door while we were eating lunch and saw two parrots on the lawn about 10 metres away. I quickly got my camera and put my 55-250mm lens on and took two shots through the glass door before I tried to open it in case the birds flew away. I then opened the door carefully but just as I was about to take some more, they both flew away! I am disappointed with this one but it's the best I got before they flew away. The focus isn't right but at least you can see all the colours!

Off to night shift tonight then it is my birthday tomorrow! I finish work at 8am and then have to go back for my second night shift by 6pm and Kaz is working all day so Spence and I will spend the day together!! We are having my birthday day on Saturday instead when we will do something special!

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