Bits Bobs and Bats

By vix

You WILL have fun at the beach...

Eve finally playing in the sand after a God awful half an hour of arriving at the beach and her winging and moaning about hating it and refusing to put on her sun cream... People even moved away from us during this episode in order to rid them self of the mosquito type whine and the initially cajoling, culminating in right pissed off voices of parents threatening everything from no treats to just disowning child...

Such are days at the beach! I LOVE them and it just brings back halycyion memories of days upon weeks of days at the beach as a child and all the angst, disgruntlement and sandy cheese sandwiches that entails..

Its damn hard work getting everyone ready to go. Its like packing for an arctic expedition... Mum determindly rallying troupes, sandwiches and suncream to ensure the day goes without a hitch. Nobody really wants to go in the end and the kids wonder what madness is ripping them from CBeebies...

BUT it always ends up being fine, especially as you dose on your back listening to the waves crash and children scream in delight, after a busy couple of hours baby wrangling, bobbing in the freezing cold sea, pretending to have fun building sand castles and being buried, hilariously, up to your neck in sand...

AND we DID have fun at the beach damnit... We may go again tomorrow...

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