The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Kung Fu Kids

We had a bit of a busy day today. Returned the kilts to the kilt shop and picked up some school shoes for one very excited wee girl and one slightly less excited big girl. Then headed off into the 'deen for a spot of retail therapy (mine - new oilcloth for the kitchen table - old one was skanky) and went to Nando's for a late lunch. The girls enjoyed their chicken and chips, Callum wasn't taken by the chicken and Philip reckoned it was a rip off (portions not big enough for his man belly). I liked it - but then I like chicken and sweetcorn and as that was what was on offer, it couldn't really go wrong...

After a wee play in the Apple shop (the ultimate kid/husband creche) we went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 at the movies - this was the first time that we've managed to get through an entire film without one or more of the children demanding to go to the toilet every fifteen minutes - success! The film was ok (well, it was a bit rubbish but hey, they all pretty much stayed in their seats for the duration so I'm not complaining).

Home again now and everyone's off to bed - Philip's fast asleep beside me on the sofa which leads me to think that I could now take over as ruler of the remote control for the rest of the evening?? No more swarming insect telly programmes for me...

All in all an excellent day.

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