Angry bird?

No, just a stupid one.

Realised this evening that I have left my cameras (both) somewhere that I cannot access them. Dopey idiot.

Never mind. no photo walk for me tonight. Instead, I will go and clean my car then read a Government green paper.

My joy. Unbounded.

It has been one of 'those' days today. I got free parking for an hour on the M60 this morning. Was so stressed in the car about being late that I triggered a hot flush.
Didn't want to listen to breakfast radio. I tried but it was all utter drivel. Blah blah blah.

Richard Madeley on Radio 2 .... nooooooooooooooooooooo.
I don't even switch to Radio 4 in case a politician is on and I get shouty radio rage.

Radio 1. Not even going there - in fact I haven't gone there since a completely inappropriate news article which described graphic adult things came on at 5.45 one evening whilst James was in the car. I complained. I was told there was no watershed on Radio (and effectively I should have known better than to listen to Radio 1 because I was too old and prude-ish!).

Local radio. Nope - too many adverts, to much dross. You can imagine my horror then, when I turn to my back up and discover that I had wiped my iPod clean, so no music.

Thank goodness I have got ginger beer. Just need to top it up with vodka. It might make that green paper just a teensy weensy bit more bearable.

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