Hunter gatherer

Look at him.
Wondrous creature.
It's like he knew, without even being asked.
He was even so thoughtful to make sure there was ice in the freezer as well.
I love my man!

I am nearing the stage of either a complete meltdown or some sort of manic moment where the "to do" list in my diary is going to leap off the page and consume me whole.

Every day that list is getting longer. Every day, I fail to chip away at it. For everything I tick off, another 3 things get added on.

Saving graces today:
Awesome children; fantastic work; fabulous performance of an interpretation of the argentinian tango by a group of students; beautiful spanish food prepared by our students; including delicious churros with chocolate sauce; writing a draft policy I have been meaning to do for ages; coffee and a professional conversation with esteemed colleague; writing up the photography plan for Jenny and Andrew's wedding next weekend; being a domestic goddess when I arrived home and managing to clean, tidy, do laundry and prepare a feast for Corin for tea.

Down sides?
Posturing from the political opposition which does not contribute to hope for the profession in terms of consistency; aggresive behaviour; traffic; Corin being late home from work and not witnessing by impressive display of goddess behaviour; circular phone call with Nana who, bless her, did not understand that I was busy working and that it is not so straightforward to just make arrangements on the spot, and that she does not have to ring every couple of days to ask me the same question when the answer will still be the same!

One thing - all this Spanish-ness going on at work has caused me to feel a peculiar sense of "homesickness" - which is stupid, because Spain isn't and has never been my home. I would like it to be, at times and that desire grows stronger year by year. But how can I miss, and long to be in a place so much, when I only spend a maximum of a month there in the year?

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