Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


A busy day today as I delivered two training sessions, and then had to go out on a nightshift, so there was very little time for taking photographs. I did take a couple of photographs whilst in the office as they are relevant for the rest of the week, but I just wasn't satisfied. Going out on nights I thought I might get some real action shots, but due to circumstances beyond our control it got called off at the last minute.

By this time I was already on site and dressed up in all my PPE (personal protective equipment), with all the Hi-Visibility stuff we have to wear you're lit up like a Christmas tree. But without a doubt they are essential when working nights to make sure you're seen not only by the rest of the workforce, but also the general public and drivers. Our workforce has to put up with a lot on times, as they are subjected to general abuse and also bottles or whatever thrown at them by passing cars. Consider the impact such an item can have from a moving vehicle, not pleasant but yet there are individuals who find this amusing, I think it says more about their intelligence.

So back to today's photo, just as my trip out was a wasted journey so to was this a wasted photo, but looking at it after I thought it looked quite good, so maybe its not a wasted blip. Essentially all you see are my hi-viz trousers, safety boots and some double yellow lines, not much but I like it.

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