Take note 2

For the seriously stupid visitor a colourful little brochure with some interesting cartoons is available.
"If you meet cows or sheep coming towards you, you should pull over to the left & switch off your engine untill they have passed.....If they are travelling away from you please wait patiently behind them until they give you the signal to pass"!! Well well, cows with indicators, what will they think of next?

"Cysclists, on a single track road you should stop on the left hand side, dismount and move your bike onto the verge"!!! aye in your dreams mate, most cyclists plooter along admiring the daisyies & the sheep droppings oblivious to who or how many cars are behind them, unless of course you nudge them off with your red Fergie 135 turbo charged tractor!

"Walkers be vigilant and watch for cars approaching whose sound may be hidden" now this one I agree with because only a tourist would be stupid enough to go out walking in a force 10 gale!

Honestly Im not making this up

Now this evening the group I work for organised a car TReasure hunt and God only knows what the poor bewildered tourists thought when the island was littered with locals all driving like Jensen Button!, people leaping out and piling into telephone boxes, jumping fences to count sheep, and all sorts of antics. My team came 5th despite us hiding several of the clues!

Was spoiled for photos to put up but finally opted for this one as I thought that some poor tourist might have mistaken this big cloud for a flying saucer!

HAve a good blip all

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