
By earthdreamer

Beamsley Beacon

Ringing the changes again to bring you a 'sense of place' shot taken on my commute to work this morning. This is only some 3 miles from Ilkley at the top of the first climb and looking back down over the Wharfe Valley to Beamsley Beacon. It was to the top of this hill that the Fell Race took us on Saturday. The village of Addingham sits directly below. From here to the office there are another two big climbs as the route skirts around the edge of Ilkley Moor. It's a truly beautiful and pretty much traffic-free route, but it definitely helps to be riding a lightweight bike!

For those who didn't guess, yesterdays Featherlight was a shot of the back end of a swan. I've posted a link to the original image for anyone who might be curious.

Back on the bike now to reverse those hills I rode this morning. See you all later!

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