
By SomeGuyInNJ

A few months a go I ordered and received an adapter to attach my 50mm 1.8/f reversed. I tried it to see if it fit and it has been in a draw unused ever since as I havent had time to play with it. Sat at my desk last night (tuesday... this is a backblip) I realized that I had not taken a single photo all day.

So I got the adapter from the drawer and recovered a dead fly I had seen earlier and sat at my desk to take a few shots of it... the lamp gave lousy light and I didnt want get my tripod but I took a few shots anyway... you know the kind... where you can get the light bright enough so you balance the camera on a book etc.

Dead flies dont make the best subjects for a portrait. They keep falling over... or as you can see from this guy... falling in half...

Well this is one of the better shots. I'm sure I can do better when I actually try with some light and/or a tripod and probably a better subject but for now this will have to do.

With a reversed 50mm you get very low depth of field, so just his face is in focus. Focus is a matter of moving either the subject or camera back and forth mainly as when you reverse the lens it no longer has any connection to the camera... you no longer have autofocus or aperture control.

Not the most pleasant of shots but I kind of like it in a freaky way...

Oh yeah I found out about reversing a 50mm to get macros from blipper Visual Binam. Check out his insect macros to see what can really be done with a reversed 50mm.

On another, slightly amusing, note... I have been building a website to try and sell prints of some of my landscape photography, thats not the funny bit so hopefully you didnt laugh there... the funny bit is when I considered also registering the "my name" domain for my name. Before I did so I googled my name to see what came up and the biggest number of hits you get for my name are for a baseball player and also for a a photographer... a pet photographer in San Fransisco and he has a website with the domain I wanted... I guess I wont be using my real name for any online photography stuff, thats not someone I want to get confused with.

The pet photgrapher with my name bit was the funny bit... I hope you laughed in the right place... If not read it again and laugh loudly and falsely in the correct place...

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