I wuz only jestin'

today (after a lunchtime meeting in Zürich and various other things that have little to do with my story) we went to get Ms. Big's glasses mended (again) and, while we waited we went to Ikea, because it's there and cheap and you can pass time there. Well, we had to have meatballs and chips of course, because it's so cheap after 5pm and I couldn't be bothered to cook anyway (doesn't happen often but when it does...) and then we looked through the bargain bins and I found myself a jester's hat, which I wore....with a nice pair of flowery curtains as a dress. The children joined in a bit and we were having a great time wearing cushion covers on our heads and such stuff but then, disaster struck - they saw someone they knew!!!!! And then I had to behave myself, pay up, collect glasses, go home ;-)

But me and Miss Little managed to sneak this hat into the trolley and pay for it without anyone noticing and we took it in turns wearing it whilst being totally incompetent with the lifts. Dignity intact.

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