
By spitzimixi

my in-tray

as soon as my in-tray is empty, I can go on holiday...I've booked three weeks off with a plan to be finished by next Friday but now the evil gnomes in my head are telling me to hurry up, get stuff done, then bunk off early.....

meanwhile, in the orchard, the in-try is filling fast - apple, pear and plum trees are loaded. I think we're going to have a record harvest this year and I'm already toying with the tonnage/price and thinking about what that means for our bank account....and our muscles ;-)

Last week I bought myself some decent paper, some good pencils...and after looking at them for a week I got them out today and did some drawing for the first time in about 15 years. The blank page was a bit scary but once it started filling up it was my friend again. I have a shopping list for the art shop tomorrow....

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