Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


People say life is short. In the grand scheme of things this is true, but who in today's world really looks at that. We are selfish beings and we take all that we are given for granted; that is why life seems so short. In fact, the opposite is true. Life is the longest thing you will ever experience.

Time is a funny things. Okay, so maybe it's not like "haha" funny, but humorous all the same.

Think of all the time we spend doing pointless activities. And by pointless I clearly do not mean like sitting in lectures or learning at work. I mean think of how often we do something as tiny as look at our watch or even cell phones gotta love technology. So many distractions looming over us telling us to hurry up and work harder and more efficiently. Yet what we need to do is slow down. Take some time and stare off into space. You know why? Because when we are in that mind set, we are letting our minds wander. Anything and everything is explored through dreaming and dazing.

Do you have a place you like to go and think? For some people it's a little pond they used to visit as a kid, for others it's a library, and for many, it could even be an utterly common yet wonderful place such as the shower or bathroom. Do you want to know why these places hold the keys to our deepest insights? It's because we can be ourselves in these places. They hold a part of the 'self' that society rips away when you get shoved into a cubicle or desk or at a podium. It is only in these places that we find comfort and silence enough to breathe and truly connect to our surroundings.

"It is he who waits that saves time."

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