My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Teddy Bear Drops

Hi everyone

A bigger look

Hope your all well, thankyou for your thought on olivia yesturday, shes a little better today bless her, we went out shopping to clarks for shoes and loved that they had a sale on so both children got treated to 2 pairs each and just £40 for 4 pairs which should of been nearly £100. Not bad, then we had something to eat out, thomas and olivia were very good and made us very proud.

I also went to the doctors this morning for these pains and sudden tiredness, im having a load of bloods done monday, also the doctor said i have a heart murmur so is sending me to the cardiologist to have a more indepth look at my heart flow and the valves, i never ever been told i had that before and im also going to have a scan on my tummy and gaulbladder as im getting straing pains there so i just hope all goes ok reall, falling to bits lol.

Hope this water blip is ok, when ever i feel like i havent got an idea what to take i go back to my water drops, sorry if its not great but its kinda cute.

Have a lovely day/night.

Vicky. xxxxx

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