My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Poorly Olivia

Hi everyone

We have a poor little lamb in our house today. Miss Olivia started with a temp lastnight she was 39+ and through the night she woke a few times reall really hot, woke up the same so we had a trip to the doctors. He said she has a sore throat looks liek a viral infection, she also still has her bowel problem so he has put her on lactulose to try and help her as she hasnt been for 3 days since her last bad time.

This is a blip of her alseep on the sofa near me 45 mins ago, she never falls asleep on the sofa bless her but she has now just woke in a really upset mood bless her, she looks like she might fall asleep again. Thomas also woke with the runny nose thismorning so hope hes not getting anything. Hes at school and was happy to go, not long till hes home bless him. There is also a comfirmed case of Hand Foot and Mouth at the pre school so hoping neither get it.

Its pretty cold here today, debating the heating sitting here. Well im also off to the doctors tomorrow aswell as he couldnt see me today no more appointments and he was running 20mins late but looks like more bloods for me. We will see.

Hope this blip is ok today and please wish olivia better its horrible seeing them like this, i love her with her happy smiles and playing with her brother.

Vicky. xxxxxx

Huge Olivia

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