Tales of Us

By donz

HK Star Ferry

This lovely man is one of the workers on the Star Ferry.

The Star Ferry has been operating for over 100 years and takes you across Victoria Harbour from Hong Kong side to Kowloon side - or visa versa! I just love the fact that they are still wearing traditional sailor suits, you can spot them a mile off! The ferry pier itself and the ferries, transport you back to a bygone era, in contrast to the modern Hong Kong skyline.

The kids like the Star Ferry, it only costs a few dollars and to be honest its great for sightseeing you get the views of Hong Kong and Kowloon as well as the ferries and junk boats coming and going. It was a very cloudy day though so views were slightly restricted.

We were on the way to the Science Museum but it was closed - on a Thursday (if I'd looked on line I would have know this, but Thursday? Honestly!) so we went to the History Museum instead. The kids enjoyed themselves but I've never really been a museum person, give me an art gallery any day and even that has to be relatively small before I start dreaming of lunch!!

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