.Oh Joanne......

Blip world meet Miss Jo....or Hammy, if you prefer.

Jo teaches Food tech.

She's a pocket dynamo.

And a southerner!

Every morning Jo's in work before every one else.

Every morning she complains of being hot and turns on the air con....full blast.

Every evening she stays behind after work with pupils doing extra.

She works flat out...100mph...every day.

She's an outrageous flirt.

She's smart and sassy.

She's one of the few people to win a disagreement with me...about 7 years ago!

She's a great mate and I love her to bits.

She didn't want me to do this blip, because she's been out at Sports Day all day and is hoarse from cheering on her form.....and sweaty....and tired.

But she didn't win this arguement!

Yesterday we worked together for two hours cooking tapas.....and I was knackered at the end.

Everyone should have a mate like Jo.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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