...oh happy day......

Woke up at 5.30 to go fishing....feeling slightly guilty because of the missing photos....but the Son and Heir had promised to come round and sort the problem.

It was a lovely day...we had a full English breakfast...2 sausage, two rashers of bacon, black pudding, fried egg, hash brown and beans...and I always get Shaun's egg because he doesn't eat eggs. I drew a poor peg......but it was warm and sunny...and I caught fish all day long.......first truly relaxing day in ages.

Home to meet the S and H, YH and Charlie departing...and no fix found....at least none that didn't mean remortgaging the house........so I googled "lost edited pictures" and up popped a web site offering a free trial.....so I downloaded and tried it....and it recovered 147 of 167...better than nothing!.....and the cost for the full version was only £30. So I paid up ( it lasts for a year, better to be safe than sorry), downloaded and ran it.....and it rescued 167 of 167!!!!!!!

So I saved them on my computer....twice.....and on my external hard drive....and I phoned hebs....she sounded as relieved as I was......and informed her I am bringing them to work tomorrow on the external drive to download for her to select and edit the ones for the photo book for Myra..

Don't ever want that experience again!

Tonight's blip is the (almost) finished conservatory.........it need sthe guttering and electrics finishing on Monday......the floor tiling on Tuesday and then the clean up and it's all ours!

Now all we need is furniture for it!

I'll try and catch up with the comments tomorrow!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

Hells teeth I've just realised this is my 730th blip, that's two whole years!!!

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