
I'm overwhelmed and touched by so many kind, thoughtful and supportive words, stars and hearts, left for me to mark my 500th Blip - thank you so much!! :))

It only seems like yesterday that I signed up for this challenge of one photo a day with a few words. Little did I know, that 500 days later I'm still here and enjoying every single minute of it. My photography is improving slowly but surely, I think, and I'm beginning to understand the tech side of things along with the words used - it all takes time.

My apologies for not getting round to everyone while I had my double balloons, there is no right time for a celebration and just at the moment I seem to be flying here, there and everywhere.

Daughter A flew back to Wellington today ready to start her next semester on Monday. Hubby had got her a ticket on standby without realising it was the first day of the school holidays - she was bumped off and delayed. We spent much time with her at the airport waiting and hoping she was not going to be bumped off again. Shes back in Wellington with her luggage and all is well, but we will miss her.

On returning home, Daughter E and I have started to pack our house up as on Monday the Plasterers and Painters are moving in for a few weeks. We have huge amounts of accumulation to clear out - thankgoodness we have an outside room where we can sift through the things and throw out - I hope!!

I will reply to everyone over the course of the next few days - I'm hoping our internet will work in the outside room, as it will be quite dusty inside.

Hubby is on his way home so I'd better fly and get some tea. I'll leave you with a quick shot taken at the airport with Mum, Daugher A and Daugher E.

Thank you so much - Enjoy the weekend :))

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