
Beautiful day today, the sun shone, it was warmish/coolish, no frost just heavy dew and the air felt fresh. Took a drive early this morning into the city and the snow capped mountains in the distance were stunning in the sunlight.

Most of our day was spent packing things up, moving furniture and taking pictures off the walls - it was a huge task!! From room to room we went, Hubby and I, mumbling about all the stuff we have accumulated over the years - our house now has a echo when we speak.

I'm tired as I had no sleep last night, my mind was whizzing with all the things we had to do today. I sat for most of the night in the lounge trying to be restful although I was tempted to turn on my laptop to do some comments but thought I'd better not!

I caught a glimpse of the light on this leucadendron and grabbed the camera - my only shot for today.

Many thanks again for the wonderful comments left for my 500th Blipday - I will try and catch up with some comments tonight, all going well :)

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