Seeing is believing

By hoover

Diamond Dogs

Alrighty, here goes nothing. This is Hoover. I couldn't have had anything else for my first photo. Hoover is my dog and as sad as I sound, she is my best friend. I talk to Hoover, I cuddle Hoover, I admit I share my bed with Hoover, I subject Hoover to my tone deaf singing, and I wouldn't change a thing. Maybe Hoover feels differently, but she hasn't run away yet so I reckon she's happy too.

I didn't like Hoover when I first met her. I thought she looked like a rat. A big nosed rat. I didn't even like dogs, so a dog which looked like a rat was the lowest of the low. I was in fact terrified of dogs, I fought back tears of fear as I looked around the cat and dog shelter looking at various flea ridden mutts. At times in a bad relationship, getting a dog together seems like a good idea. It doesn't work. It does however remind me that I'm not a good judge in character, even in the canine world.

Hoover was between 6 months and a year old when she left the cat and dog shelter & entered my life. That was just under 6 years ago. Life hasn't been exactly rosy in that time but Hoover has been, and continues to be, the one constant factor of happiness and for that I love her more than anything. Even chocolate. Woof woof to Hoover.

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