As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


Last night was one degree above miserable. It rained. A lot. Me and Jack were set up to sleep below deck and everyone else was going to sleep above deck. They were watching the lightning in the distance that was heading toward us while me and Jack were reading in the cabin. When it started to rain they all ran downstairs and fought for spots to sleep. When the rain let up we opened the vents to let air in but we fell asleep and we got soaked when it started again. We had cereal for breakfast and waited for it to stop raining. When it stopped we pulled up the anchor and set off. A storm was following us as we headed out through the channel. We drifted slightly out of the channel and got stuck. We had to wait for a half an hour for another boat to pull us out. Then we went under a drawbridge and out into the ocean. Brendan came pretty close to catching a barracuda. Our first snorkel spot was pretty cool. We saw some barracuda, coral, and other underwater things. On the way to the next snorkel spot, Casey caught a barracuda. Me, Jack, and Nick stayed on the boat at the second spot. After everyone was back on board we went to our anchoring spot for the night. Brendan cooked us delicious sausages for dinner and Casey did a great job heating up the corn and tossing the salad. As we ate, Tom started using a "Cuban Yo-yo" to catch small fish to use as bait. Tom, Nick, and Jack have been catching these small fish for hours and they've all been named "Craig". Now we're all just chilling and praying for no more rain.

This is Brendan kissing Craig.

Word of the Day: Stonewall - to block, stall, or resist intentionally

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