A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Unavoidably girly blip

So Friday was a family trip to Cardiff to take Dan down for a Moldova team meeting session.

My mind keeps changing about Cardiff, but on Friday I liked it - there seems to be a more laid back feel to it than Edinburgh. In terms of "feel" it is probably ore comparable to Glasgow if either.

Though it is probably just as well that Edinburgh doesn't have as many surf/beach style shops!

One of my goals of the day was to try and find a dress for an upcoming family wedding. The hunt for said dress had so far been unsuccessful, so I was a rather happy bunny when I found the dress I had been looking at for a significantly lower price :]

The colour is more turquoise than in the picture and the "pearls" are whiter.

Now just bag, shoes & shawl and I will be done!

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