Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Happy landing

Thank you for not complaining about yet more dragonfly images. Tonight a change of image due to the change in the weather.. Back to the rain as you can see. Not much point in taking the camera for its usual walk with Oscar, dull grey skies , no decent , ominous clouds to add drama, blah, blah, blah as the children say around the village.
So it was mainly indoors watching the golf and now the women's world cup. Uploading at half time. Fed up listening to the talk about that team who really should be playing in the final.

Got some bird shots from my hide inside the front door, as I mentioned you can see it was very wet today. i quite liked this chaffinch with its wings open as it came in to land by te feeder station.

Sorry but yet I again I would like to suggest , if you have time LARGE might be worth alook as I was really pleased to get so much detail in the plumage.

Hope you all had a grand weekend

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