Life with our boys

By Lifewithourboys


An exciting morning for us! Our first "home grown" strawberry of the season is ripe. Jack went out this morning and picked it and plans on eating it later. He actually hates strawberries but since we grew this one he seems to be eager to try it out.

A funny story about our strawberry plants. We don't have a space in our backyard which can grow strawberries so we decided to try out the hanging Topsy - Turvy. Many of you may know this from the infomercials. Anyway, so I set out one day to the Home Depot to pick both a strawberry and tomato Topsy Turvy. When I came home I anxiously (like a child on Christmas morning) sat down on the ground and opened the first box that one came in. I took out all the bits and peices to assemble it then for a brief moment had an overwhelming sense of confusion come over me which was then followed up by dissapointment which then was lead by embarassment. For some reason when I opened the cardboard box I assumed that ALL the necessary peices to assemble the Topsy Turvy would be in there. To my surprise there was no dirt or plants inside the box. Really, how could I possibly think that would even make sense for them to package them like that. So off I went back to the Home Depot for the rest of my needs. Yes, I was almost too embarassed to tell this story.

If you're interested in seeing yesterday's blip, I had to back blip again. Here it is:
All Worn Out

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