Davids Photos

By davyatsea

Congratulations Oliver

Tonight, we attended a presentation at Olivers School. This was for the achievement of completing 3 Reading Passports this year.

The challenge was set for each pupil in Olivers school to read for 15 minutes every day and complete up to 3 passports, each one being progressively more difficult. Last year, this was rewarded by various gifts. Unfortunately, this scheme was cancelled this year due to government cutbacks. However, Olivers school continued this scheme locally to encourage the kids to read every day. To date, only a handful of kids in Olivers class have completed this - so well done to one and all.

Perhaps there is a hidden message here. Do we need rewards to encourage kids to read? Can we not spend 15 minutes every day with our children to help them to develop and flourish? Did the government realise the implications of their harsh cutbacks. I cannot answer those questions. What I can do is encourage my own children to flourish - and to give Megan the same start in life that Oliver has had.

Well done to my wee man!

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