Davids Photos

By davyatsea

Cheeky Megan

Its been a while since I've been on here properly - something to do with working all dayh, and then coming home each night to demanding kids (did I say that out loud?). I wouldn't change it for the world - except for wishing the day was a bit longer so I could spend more time on here when the kids are in bed.

Megan is certainly enjoying her food now and sometimes shows boredom when we offer her milk. Of course, she still gets plenty of milk offered as its the main source of nutrition. Just like most family dogs, she lets us know when its time to go into the high chair for some of Emma's lovely home cooking. Who says kids dont know how to tell the time eh!

Also, I understand the latest weaning advice is to wait until six months - yes, thats what I said. Then lays some choice nibbles on the high chair tray and see what happens. Clearly, this was not going to happen with Megan yet, and she is clearly ready for a good feed at each mealtime.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. We're off down to Southsea Common to have a look at the Race for Life. A strange bright light has appeared in the sky - its been a bit elusive this year, so we're going to make the most of it!

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