
By amberelli

New School Uniform...

...well i go to Dyke House and we are the last school to be transformed by the BSF (Building Schools for the Future) programme. In order to complete the refurbishment and part rebuild quickly we needed to move out of our school and did this last July. We're currently at the old Brierton site and have been since September of last year and will be moving back to our new school in the January of 2012.

So far we havent really had any big changes, other than a new logo that is in use now. Today, my year group were given their blazers and ties which we will wear as of September at the start of the new academic year. On the left is our current uniform which consists of:
- Black trousers/skirt
- White polo shirt
- Navy blue Dyke House jumper
- All black trainers/shoes (even though this year we've been able to get away with any trainers to be honest and the teachers have seemed to let us off before the big change)

On the right is our new uniform consisting of (i dont have it all yet):
- Black trousers/skirt
- Pale blue shirt (i dont have them yet)
- Tie (which differs depending which 'school' you're a part of next year, Prefect, Senior Prefect, Head Boy/Girl, Deputy Head Boy/Girl)
- Black, Dyke House, V neck sweatshirt (which again i dont have yet)
- Dyke House Blazer
- Black school shoes...

There's quite a dramatic change our uniform and it feels well weird wearing a blazer :/ haha

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